Twelve of the most illustrious Cuban cigars in the world, matured three years in a single humidor to refine and harmonize the flavors, a year of slow maceration followed by another of aging, a luster of work and four years of experience to give you the cigar definitive, in which every single nuance is enhanced and amplified, a very moved andante by Partagas Aristocrats, Partagas Shorts and H. Upmann Regalias to give the melody, while the Bolivar Petit Coronas and H. Upmann Noellas play in counterpoint, a bariolage between Hoyo de Monterrey Flor Extrafina and a succession in rapid succession of Ramon Allones Superiores, Romeo Y Julieta Petit Churchills, Montecristo Especiales No.2 and Romeo Y Julieta Mille Fleur, bring it all into an explosive finale of horns with the Partagas Mille Fleurs, and the Montecristo No.2, a symphonic concert of flavors that will leave you speechless.


20 ml triple concentration flavour in PG content in chubby bottle 60ml - DO NOT USE AS IS

Undesirable use for non-smokers.
Before use, read the instructions of label.
It is not a food. Do not swallow.
Sales prohibited to anyone under 18 years
Keep out of reach of children.
In case of contact with eyes and skin wash with plenty of soap and water. If you feel unwell consult a doctor and show the label.
Keep locked up.
Do not release to the environment.

Data sheet

Aroma a tripla concentrazione in PG
senza nicotina
Prezzo consigliato al pubblico
€ 19,00